
Terrible clouds and strange

"Desert on The Sky"

"Volcano on The Sky"

"Sea on The Sky"

"Snow on The Sky"

"Bubble on The Sky"

"Hell on The Sky"

"Dome on The Sky"

These photos taken from trusted sites are National Geographic, Guardian, and Wired Science. The photographs are professional photographers in a number of countries, including the United States, New Zealand, Scotland, within the last dozen years.
READ MORE - Terrible clouds and strange


Enjoying exotic lakes in the Lower Cave

Lake Cave Yucatan
Tiger underground lake located in Che Yucatan peninsula, believed to be a gift from the gods the Maya in Mexico and is known as the forbidden lake.

Lake Cave Luray Caverns
Underground river located in Luray Caverns, Virginia. Its water reflection effect on the cave ceiling like a golden reflection.

Lake Cave Banff
This underground lake supernal Banff, Canada. It took how long a mini waterfall to meet the volume of the lake?, A natural creation is very interesting.

Lake Cave Mellisani
Underground lake located in Mellisani Cave, Kefalonia, found that the cave wall-ruins destroyed by an earthquake in 1953.

Lake Cave Cheddar Gorge
Cheddar Gorge, the underground river is located in one of the largest gaps in the UK called Cheddar Gorge. There in a cave which was also named Cheddar here's oldest human skull found in England in 1903 estimated at 9000 years old.

Lake CaveHamilton
This underground lake used as a natural swimming pool located in Austin, Texas named Hamilton.

Lake Cave Lechuguilla

Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico is the fifth longest cave found. The long depth of 193 km and 489 m, the deepest in the United States.
READ MORE - Enjoying exotic lakes in the Lower Cave